Lucid Dreaming is dreaming while knowing that you are dreaming. This fascinating state of consciousness allows you to control your dreams and experience anything imaginable. It is possible to have dreams of sex, fantasy, scenes from the past, and much more which are more intense than the real thing. It is also possible to face and defeat fears and phobias in a safe environment.
It has been found that lucid dreaming takes place when certain brainwave activity occurs.
The 70 minute downloadable lucid dreaming binaural music suite induces the exact brainwave patterns required to facilitate the lucid dreaming.


includes all the following downloads
for a discounted price of $89.95:
Remote Viewing
Out of Body Experience
Lucid Dreaming


is Binaural Music?
- A sensational
new development
in altered consciousness technology.
- A complete
symbiotic fusion of binaural harmonic
frequencies, advanced sound engineering and
inspired musical composition.
- Functional music
at the cutting
edge of technology.
- Binaural Music
utilizes the tried and tested technologies
of binaural harmonic frequencies and
frequency following in a completely
products are usually of 2 types:
1) The binaural
tones are embedded in music. As the tones are not
part of the music; the music will distract the brain and
the entrainment is ineffective and inaccurate. The
correct harmonic frequency cannot be achieved in
this manner.
2) The binaural tones are simple sine wave
frequencies with white sound or no background.
There is no musical content. These are much more
effective at creating the correct harmonic frequencies
in the brain AND keeping them stable. However the
sound is harsh and often gives an unpleasant experience.
Binaural Music has been created
so that the binaural effect has been incorporated into
every note, chord and phrase of the music. The effect is stunning...